✅WPT & BC, Assam Financial Assistance 2020:
A notification on Financial Assistance to the ST(P)/OBC graduate unemployed youngsters for the year 2020–21 has been announced by the Directorate of Welfare of Plain Tribes & Backward Classes (WPT & BC), Assam.
Interested candidates may apply here , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria.

✅WPT & BC, Assam Financial Assistance 2020:
Name of Scheme | Financial Assistance to the ST(P)/ OBC graduate unemployed youths |
Funded by | Directorate of Welfare of Plain Tribes & Backward Classes, Assam |
Scheme amount | Rs 50,000/- (Maximum) |
Apply Mode | Offline |
Official Website | https://directorwptbc.assam.gov.in/ |
✅Important Dates:
Last date for submission of application | 21.12.2020 |
Releated Posts: ✅আবেদন কৰক ✅LIC ৰ Golden Jubilee ৰ বাবে য়ে প্ৰদান কৰিব ২০০০০ টকাকৈ অসমৰ যুৱক যুৱতী সকলক
✅Eligibility Criteria of WPT & BC, Assam Financial Assistance 2020:
To apply for Financial Assistance to the ST(P)/OBC Graduate Unemployed Youths sponsored by the Directorate of Welfare of Plain Tribes & Backward Classes, Assam, candidates must meet the eligibility requirements listed below.
✅Caste: He/ She must belong to ST(P)/OBC category of Assam.
✅Educational Qualification: Applicant must be a graduate of any stream Arts/Science/Commerce/Technical etc. recognized by U.G.C/AICTE/State Government.
✅Age: Applicant must be an unemployed person belonging to age group 25 years to 45 years.
✅How to apply for WPT & BC, Assam Financial Assistance 2020:
Applications must be sent to the Directorate of Welfare of Plain Tribes and Backward Classes, Assam, Rukmini Nagar, Guwahati-06, in the approved format and with the necessary supporting documentation, no later than 10th 21st December’ 2020’, affirmatively.
The Selection Committee will review and approve the list of beneficiaries under the scheme after considering all of the applications received by the Director of Welfare of Plain Tribes and Backward Classes, Assam.
✅Documents to be enclosed with Application Form of WPT & BC, Assam Financial Assistance:
i. Caste Certificate from the relevant authority.
ii. Notarial affidavit about the applicant's unemployed status.
iii. Certificate of Household Income issued by the relevant authority
iv. Graduation pass certificate. :
v. HSLC Admit Card (to demonstrate age)
vi. Passport size photo.
vii. Photocopy of Bank pass book.
viii. Proof of Identity — Voter ID/Pan Card/Driving License/ AADHAR etc. (any one document to be submitted).
ix. Brief proposal/Scheme for which the amount is proposed to be utilized. (limiting to an amount of maximum
of Rs. 50,000)
x. Proof of working outside the state (if any).