Udalguri Judiciary Recruitment 2020 : Apply For Chowkider Vacancy In Udalguri

District & Sessions Judge, Udalguri has released a notification for the recruitment of  Chowkider vacancy in the office of the District & Sessions Judge, Udalguri.

Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 19-10-2020 , after confirming that they fulfill the relevant eligibility requirements.


Name of post: Chowkidar

Last Dae for Apply : 19-10-2020

Educational Qualification:

HSLC Pass and fluent in one or more local languages/ dialects of Assam.


Age Criteria :

The candidate should not be less than 18 years and more than 40 years of age as on 01.01.2020. The Upper age will be relaxable as per norms, Govt. of Assam.


Scale of pay: Rs.12,000-37500 &  GP Rs.3900

Mode of Selection: Interview

How to apply:

The dully filled up applications in standard form along with self attested copies of 2 (Two) recent passport size photographs, Caste certificate and other relevant documents should reach the office of the undersigned before the closing day and same be deposited in the "DROP BOX OF APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST OF CHOWKIDER" Drop Box, which is located inside the premise of District and Sessions Judge, Udalguri or by post. But, the application should reach on or before 19.10.2020.

  • The candidates serving in Govt. Department should submit their applications through proper channel. Preference will be given to the candidates working temporarily in the establishment.
  • Maximum qualification of the candidate is HSLC Pass. Candidates who appear in the interview by suppressing their higher educational qualification will not eligible for appointment.
  • Call Letters will be sent to the candidates in due time or will be uploaded in Udalguri District Judiciary website from where the candidates can download their Call Letters (www.udalgurijudiciary.gov.in).

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